The Story So Far
After escaping from a slave camp Rurik finds himself surrounded by strange allies, and wandering the Underdark trying to find his way to a dwarven town.

Our party has decided that our best bet is to try and avoid whatever these large circles are marked on the map as we trek towards Cragmire. Ancestors alone know what sort of thing warrants a daemon army’s attention enough to make note of it upon their maps. Even avoiding these hotspots our trip thus far has not been uneventful. The underdark is fraught with peril, and our supplies are limited. If not for the good work of Torvanor we would have run out of water days ago, but he calls upon his patron at each water source we find to cleanse it. This gives us safe area to rest and clean water.
It seems that the daemons are trying to expand these tunnels, on our seventh day out from the camp we found a group of enslaved duergar. They were being forced to mine for the daemons. Our dark cousins may be evil, but that doesn't mean they deserve to suffer under a daemon’s lash. We rushed to their aid, breaking their chains and slaying their masters. They ran off without so much as a thank you, and for a moment I believed they might have attacked us as well if not for some diplomatic words. HAH! If only Kardin knew that his lessons would have amounted to something!
Finally yesterday we discovered what the circles were. Coming upon one, that we had no chance to avoid, we saw a group of waxlike creatures under the direction of several imps expanding a chamber and inscribing a summoning circle upon the floor. Krezzik Dar still owes me a grudge, and so mustering the party we attack the creatures and destroy the summoning circle. These foul daemons will have to find another way onto our plain to aggravate me.
My turn is coming up for watch. 46 years 7 months and 16 days until I get to come home. The first thing I am doing is marrying you, and making you a princess.
Behind the Screen
This was the first session that I really got to play my Dwarf Battlemaster, and let me tell you it was a blast! It is so great to run a character that fits his role so well. I have found that I am able to protect my teammates decently well as long as they stand by my, which makes for a killer combination with Willis the rogue. He stands and sneak attacks for a ton of damage, while I impose disadvantage on anyone who chooses to attack him rather than come at me directly. The maneuvers I choose for my first level of Battlemaster were: Parry, Riposte, and Goading Strike. I knew from the get go that I would be using Goading Strike the most, with the others being extra in case I get the chance to.
The only issue I am having currently with being a tank is that I don’t have enough reactions to keep up with everything I want to do. Two of my maneuvers, my protection ability, and attacks of opportunity are all reactions. It’s because of this that I am not 100% sold on the Sentinel feat. I feel like it would force me to be even more picky about how to use my reactions.
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